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Pimp Your Work

December 26th, 2007

Gadget Wednesdays: Mobile Notetaker

Here’s a scenario: you need to take down some important notes, but you don’t have a computer around. Or, you know, you’re just more comfortable with a pen and a pad of paper. Isn’t it tiresome to have to type the entire thing all over again just to get down digitally? Not if you have the Mobile NoteTaker.

From the ThinkGeek Website:

Product Features

  • Instantly transcribe your written notes and drawings
  • Uses standard paper - no special paper required
  • Stores up to 50 A4 pages
  • Includes LCD to view and confirm input
  • Operates both in mobile mode and when connected to PC or notebook
  • Connects to PC/Notebook via USB cable (included)
  • Includes software for synchronization and management of stored files
  • Includes software for OCR conversion of handwriting into editable text
  • Writes directly into Microsoft ® Office applications (in Connected mode)
  • Allows file transfer over LAN, e-mail and instant messaging application (in Connected mode).

Pretty cool, huh?

By Celine -- 0 comments

December 14th, 2007

Productivity gifts for the holiday season (under $50)

Ah, the holiday season is near. If you’re a true productivity genius, you probably bought all your gifts and planned your holiday budget way back in June. But for those who are new to the productivity game, here is a quick list of great productivity gifts you can get for the following people:

  • Geeks and gadget freaks
  • People who are already productive
  • People who really need some productivity in their lives.

Gifts under $10

The Staple Free Stapler lets you staple all your corporate paperwork without the danger of getting an unruly staple in your eye. Comes in 3 colors, but can only clip at most 5 sheets together. Price: $5.99

Have a smelly coworker who’s always asleep on the job? Give him the Shower Shock Caffeinated Soap. He can lather up and get a caffeine dose at the same time! And no, you can’t eat it. Price: $6.99 Another alternative is the peppermint-flavored Costic’s Caffeianted Soap. Price: $5.97

Dilbert is the ultimate corporate slave. If you identify with him, you’ll love this Dilbert Stress Toy. An excellent stocking stuffer for those who experience stress in their workdays and want to release it, either by squeezing hard or turning this into a voodoo doll. Price: $3.99

Is desktop sanitation an issue in your office? If so, you might just need this USB Mini Vacuum Cleaner. It sucks out the disgusting stuff stuck in your keyboard and the other nooks and crannies on your desk. Price: $8.95

Under $25

Is it hot in your office?  That’s probably because the company’s cutting down on the electric bill.  If that’s the case, your colleagues would love a desktop personal air conditioner.   Price: $22.99

If you notice that your office is wasting tons of paper each year printing monthly calendars, a magnetic monthly planner might do the trick.  It’s magnetic, a dry-erase board, and you can put sticky notes on it, too. Price: $19.99

Under $50

Have trouble getting up in the morning? The Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock will shake your bed and your ears. There’s no way you’re snoozing this. The only way you’ll stay asleep through the alarm is if you’re completely deaf and paralyzed. Or dead. Price: $39.99

If your coworker keeps asking you “Where is that pen?” throughout your workday, then you’re both losing precious minutes of your time.  Here’s a Revolving Desk Organizer to help your disorganized friend keep office tools within reach. Price: $29.99

Does your spouse come home with leg cramps after a long day at the office, sitting in her workstation?  If that’s the case, a pedal exerciser under her desk might do the trick.  Price: $39.95

Finally, this sleek monitor stand drawers let you get some extra storage space from under your monitor.  It comes in a sleek black color.  Price: $49.00 

By Celine -- 2 comments

October 23rd, 2006

Managing e-mail on your Blackberry … block it all

Huh?  Isn’t the whole point of having a Blackberry getting e-mail on the go?  Yes.  The problem is that if you let all the e-mail through, your Berry might be pinging (or whatever your alert sound is) all the time.  At first I just tried routing everything through GMail and that worked pretty well.  Then I realized that I didn’t really need to receive some e-mails on my Berry.  Mailing lists, other notices (like comments), things that I didn’t need to know immediately or I couldn’t do anything about until I got to a computer.  So I started filtering out those e-mails.  The Blackberry website that Telus provides makes it really easy.  The thing was though, I was still getting too much e-mail (IMHO).  Spam, and other stuff … hey I’m paying for this!  So I turned off all my e-mail to my Berry.  Yep, set the default on the filters to be send nothing.  Then came the fun part.  I just created filters to allow people I wanted to get e-mail on my Berry.

It might seem like a lot of work, but it really isn’t.  Checking the rest of my e-mail is as easy as going to GMail mobile (which works pretty well on my Berry).  Look I love my Berry.  I love the data access and that it’s an EVDO modem when I need it.  I don’t want to max out my data allotment on e-mail I don’t care about.  Simple as that.

I know that Scot has a Treo (I think) … does the same thing apply to you Scot?

Update: Be very careful when editing your filters.  I goofed yesterday and somehow wound up over-riding my block all filter so my Berry was getting all e-mail and I couldn’t figure out why.  I think one of the filters had something stupid in it so I deleted them all, had it sit with none for a bit (to make sure no e-mail got through) then re-added slowly.

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By Tris Hussey -- 3 comments