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Pimp Your Work

Archive for the ‘Presensation Hacks’ Category

July 5th, 2007

Pimp your presentations with these tips

For most folks, public speaking is a fate worse than death.  For me, not so much.  I enjoy public speaking.  I didn’t always.  Knees knocking, mouth dry, and voice quivering I ‘d muddle through presentations.  After a while, and a few really good presentations, I just step up, say my thing, and enjoy.  Regardless of […]

By Tris Hussey -- 1 comment

June 9th, 2007

Funny but true and important PowerPoint "don’ts"

Funny … but so true:

All kidding aside, this is all excellent advice.  Slides with too much information, too many bullet points, animations, or bizarre color schemes force people to focus on your presentation and not you.  Remember you are giving the presentation, not the screen.  This isn’t a movie, it’s a talk.  Sure if […]

By Tris Hussey -- 4 comments

May 7th, 2007

Simple tips to improving your presentations

Did you know public speaking is the number one fear of many people?  Even more than some things like falling and dying.  Really, I’m serious.  I have friends who’d rather be thrown into a vat of starved leeches than have to give a talk or presentation.  Via Lifehacker here are some tips for better presentations:
Hack […]

By Tris Hussey -- 0 comments

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