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Pimp Your Work

Archive for April 2007

April 30th, 2007

If you’ve ever tried to burn CDs or DVDs-read these tips

How many coasters do you have?  No, I don’t mean those things you buy to protect your coffee table, I mean CDs or DVDs that didn’t burn right so they are useless (essentially becoming coasters).
I have tons.  In fact I keep finding them as I pack to move.  Bad CDs and DVDs, btw, aren’t recyclable […]

By Tris Hussey -- 1 comment

April 30th, 2007

Multiple autoresponders in Outlook using rules

Ah the out of office message.  Can’t remember when I’ve had to put one of those up.  Which isn’t a good sign, really is it?  Anyway, sometimes you don’t just want the basic “I’m not here” message to go to everyone.  It is possible to be more clever in Outlook (and I gather Gmail), you […]

By Tris Hussey -- 0 comments

April 30th, 2007

Toggl-free, web-based time tracking, worth a solid look

One of the banes of consultants is often time tracking.  Good time tracking software is hard to find, regardless of price, good, free time tracking software is nearly impossible to find.  Believe me, I’ve looked.
So whenever the words, “free” and “time-tracking” appear in a post title my ears perk up.  But when you mix “web-based” […]

By Tris Hussey -- 2 comments

April 27th, 2007

Could Ubuntu replace Vista?

That’s the premise of an article on InformationWeek’s site.  Do a head-to-head Unbuntu 7.0.4 (Feisty Fawn) vs Vista.  Install, applications, basic stuff we all do.
The test covered three different kinds of machines from a laptop to a desktop to a VM install.  Bottom line?  Ubuntu was close, but …
There is always that “but” isn’t there?  […]

By Tris Hussey -- 1 comment

April 27th, 2007

Should I use the install CD that came with my hardware?

I got a new webcam this week.  I’m going to start doing some livecasting/lifecasting stuff.  At the Web 2.0 Expo I saw that a little hardware can make for really cool and easy video interview … much easier than getting out a podcasting rig!  And it’s video too!
Okay, regardless, Jim and I decided that I […]

By Tris Hussey -- 0 comments

April 26th, 2007

Test your router to see if supports all of Vista’s networking features

 This is more of a tip for those of us who work at home so we manage our own networks and routers and were brave enough to leap to Vista already.
Many of you have read that the whole TCP/IP and networking stack for Vista was re-written from the ground up and because of this there […]

By Tris Hussey -- 1 comment

April 26th, 2007

iPig-Another WiFi Hotspot VPN Solution to Try

I’m rarely completely satisfied with my software or hardware choices.  I’m always on the lookout for the newer, better, faster, easier tools out there.  This is good for you, of course, because I’ll tell you when I find them (if they fit this blog clearly).
As you know security at public WiFi hotspots is something that […]

By Tris Hussey -- 0 comments

April 26th, 2007

Diana always seems to have the tips you need-read them!

 Diana Huggins who contributes to Lockgnome’s Windows Fanatics blog always seems to have those tips and how tos that people need.  Whether it’s watermarks in Word or new lines in Excel cells, Diana has posted them.
Sure, you might think they are simple, if you’ve already spent time trying to figure out how to do it […]

By Tris Hussey -- 0 comments

April 25th, 2007

How can I use Twitter for business?

Twitter is hot among us bloggerati, geekerati, digerati, etc.  All day long I get “tweets” (a message in Twitter) from my friends and other information sources (like CNN and the BBC).  Before I get into how you really can use Twitter in your business life, let me explain it (if you don’t know about it).
Twitter […]

By Tris Hussey -- 7 comments

April 25th, 2007

Can dictation software help focus and stop multitasking-and get more done?

Suw Charman wrote on Corante earlier this month that multitasking is as bad as procrastination.  Essentially we really all know we can’t truly multitask…
I’m not sure that this is really new news, though. Who, deep down, hasn’t pretty much known that multi-tasking is a con? We’ve known for years about the state of flow, where […]

By Tris Hussey -- 0 comments

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