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Archive for the ‘Outlook’ Category

March 6th, 2007

Psst, a new version of ClearContext is available and a Vista gadget too

It does pay to read your feeds!  Today Brad has this great announcement:
Regular readers of the weblog may have noticed that posting has been light the last couple of months.  Work on our v3.1 release has kept us busy.  I’m pleased to finally come up for air and offer all of you early access to […]

By Tris Hussey -- 0 comments

February 6th, 2007

Tapping into Google Calendar through Outlook 2007

Do you use Google Calendar?  Yeah me neither.  I’ve tried but it seems whenever I try to get Google Calendar synched with Outlook and my BlackBerry, my BlackBerry gets really, really cranky.  It crashes the syncing software in fact.  The thing is I have a couple groups now who have Gmail hosted e-mail and that […]

By Tris Hussey -- 1 comment

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