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Pimp Your Work - Improving Your Work Day Efficiency

November 13th, 2007

If you don’t take down meeting minutes you’ll hate yourself

I attended a pretty significant boardroom meeting today and was appalled when I realized that no one was taking down the minutes!  So I  immediately took initiative to write things down.
Why? Because minutes are good for the following things:
As a legal document.  For the IRS and other government agencies, meeting minutes can be considered as […]

By Celine -- 1 comment

November 5th, 2007

How to REALLY stick to deadlines

Dammit. I’m actually behind schedule on two client requests. Yes, yes, I should have known that was going to happen because I was moving around my Google Calendar items and postponing them a day or two late. And I did spend an entire day celebrating my first anniversary with my partner. […]

By Celine -- 2 comments

October 7th, 2007

Symptoms of productivity phobia

Spiders, rats, vampires, seeing your grandmother naked - these are all valid phobias. However, there’s also such a thing as fear of productivity. Yes, it’s entirely possible that you have it even if you’re reading a blog like this. If you want to get your own diagnosis, here is a list of […]

By Celine -- 4 comments

August 3rd, 2007

Work with your IT folks, not against them

Doing a little testing here for the tech crew at b5. We’ve got some kick-ass coders and server admins at b5 who work to keep the lights on here. They’re using PYW here as a test bed for some upcoming code changes, and asked me to test ‘er out. Which then reminded […]

By Tris Hussey -- 3 comments

March 16th, 2007

Work rules to keep your geek happy

Nomadishere had this awesome post (lots diggs and comments) with 8 “rules” to keep geeks happy and a follow up that he didn’t mean to say geeks are elitists:
#1. Let them work when they want
#2. Let them work where they want
#3. Let them control their lighting
#4. Let them wear headphones
#5. Do not expect them to […]

By Tris Hussey -- 3 comments

February 26th, 2007

Change Your Perspective to Pimp Your Work

Here’s a great one from Kevin Eikenberry in his post “What Could I Stop Doing?” -

I met with a new friend today. He is the Vice President for Business Development at a bank. He told me he made a decision about six months ago. His decision?
“I decided to stop selling banking solutions.”
He isn’t a slacker […]

By Scot Herrick -- 0 comments

February 23rd, 2007

Three Minute Management Course (humour)

Thanks to Lorraine and her mum for these:
Three Minute Management Course
Lesson 1:
A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower, when the doorbell rings. The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs. When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next-door neighbor. Before […]

By Tris Hussey -- 0 comments

February 23rd, 2007

Seven reminders that will Pimp Your Work

The following was provided by one of my coworkers with attribution to an unknown company. It is seven reminders that will help you frame your work on a day-to-day basis. Pimpalicious tips on career strategy, if you will.
Here they are:

Have a passion for excellence and hate bureaucracy.
Be unyielding on accountability and commitment.
Have the self-confidence to […]

By Scot Herrick -- 0 comments

February 21st, 2007

Let this be a reminder, check ALL the cables when something isn’t working

Got this from Chris Pirillo today:

Oh I have so been there.  I’ve done it myself, I’ve seen tons of other people do it.  Sometimes the cable looks like it’s in, but just isn’t seated all the way.  So, take it from Chris and I, check all the cables.  Then check them again.
Technorati tags: Chris Pirillo, […]

By Tris Hussey -- 0 comments

February 21st, 2007

Good and Great

There is an interesting saying out there: the enemy of great is good.
I don’t know about you, but I had a hard time with that saying for a long time. After all, there are few things that anyone can be great at, but quite a few things that each of us can be good at.
And […]

By Scot Herrick -- 0 comments

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