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Pimp Your Work - Improving Your Work Day Efficiency

Why Most People End Up Hating Their Job

by Celine on January 27th, 2008

Pinny Cohen sent in this interesting article via email today about why most people end up hating their job. Here is the key point:

Most jobs nowadays are too specialized and specific. This means that there’s often a lack of variety in one’s job.

Does your job provide you with a lot of variety? If not, are you comfortable with monotony or do you prefer diversity?


POSTED IN: General work pimps

1 opinion for Why Most People End Up Hating Their Job

  • Ben Helps | SBJ
    Jan 31, 2020 at 5:45 am

    Solution: Work for yourself!

    Jokes aside, since switching to working for myself full-time it’s definitely not boring. I’m the “company” accountant, copy writer, marketer, salesperson, financial advisor, purchasing officer, etc.

    There’s no time to be bored - indeed, when my business is in a better position one of the first things I’ll consider is hiring specialists to manage aspects of my business.

    After all, would you want a jack-of-all-trades accountant finding you extra money, or an expert?

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