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Pimp Your Work - Improving Your Work Day Efficiency

Seattle Weather Drama

by Scot Herrick on December 15th, 2006

Following along with Tris, I too have lost power at the house due to this big windstorm that hit the Pacific Northwest. Over one million people in the Seattle area and 80% of the people in my city of 450,000 do not have power. In walking the neighborhood, there are at least six trees that toppled power lines in walking distance from my house, so I’m not expecting power back anytime soon.

While in the candlelight early this morning, I thought about going into work — but there was no power in downtown Seattle either, so I ended up staying home.

How do you operate when you’ve been thrown back into the sixteenth century, anyway? Here’s the things that changed pretty quick:

Paper made a big comeback. Phone books to look up hotel numbers and books like the “Best of the Northwest” that also had phone numbers in them became very important to find a place to stay.

Fireplaces became a necessity. Seasoned wood got used today to help keep the house warm.

Physical labor came back in style. I raked the lawn and picked up all the branches from my yard — around the two trees that fell into my backyard.

Quiet ruled the day. No electronics on. No phones working. No iPods to play. No electric radios to listen to (except in the car to hear news).

Conversation became a focus. With nothing to do, talking with the family took on new meaning.

Yes, there’s a ton of things that I need to do to Pimp my storm experience and I’m getting those down. In the meantime, my tether to the Internet is temporarily restored as a result of a hotel 30-miles from my house that has power and access. But paper, quiet, fires in the fireplace, working in the yard and conversation with the family wasn’t such a bad way to spend the day.

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POSTED IN: Cube life, Staying Sane, Survival Skills

3 opinions for Seattle Weather Drama

  • Mary Jo
    Dec 16, 2020 at 11:39 am

    I’m without power as well, and currently have no indication that it will be on till next week.

    Currently at a hotel well away from the home away, but must leave here soon.

    I have a gas grill and gas stove top at home, so I can eat. A gas water heater so I can have hot showers. And now my laptop is fully chaged and I can limp along with an occasional dial up connection so that I can keep up with the world

    I am such a wimp!

  • Tris Hussey
    Dec 17, 2020 at 10:13 am

    This serves are a reminder for all of us in earthquake zones … we need to be prepared to be on our own for 72 hours. The snow we had recently got a lot of people thinking. We did fine, but we need to have more supplies like water and propane canisters on had. Okay that and I’m looking at a 3000w genny.

  • Lorraine
    Dec 18, 2020 at 6:23 am

    “Quiet ruled the day”….when we were without power we went to bed at 7pm….just so we didn’t have to listen to the kids whine about how they were bored and “there’s no tv” ;-). Tris and I had a lot of fun (I think) cooking on a woodstove, the thousands of candles going, the propane lantern although he couldn’t really work it was like camping and a time for him to “shut off” for a little while. (He always says he hasn’t had a vacation in a while.)

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